Wednesday 26 September 2012

My Morph Animation

Morph Animation:

 How we did it 
How we did our animation was firstly we had ago at making morphs out of plasticine, it took us a while because I have never used plasticine before but once I got the hang of it my morph came out okay. This is a model of my morph.

After we did the morph we then had to do a screen play on paper to give us an idea of what we wanted our morphs doing. we had to do a visual picture and the a description of the visual picture and then choose which sound we was going to put into each shot. I thought the audio bit was quiet hard because of the fact that you didn't know what the screen shot was actually going to look like so it was difficult to do.

Once we completed the sheet we then had to get the video camera out and it up, we had to put the camera on a tripod and wire it up to the computer which was pretty tricky to do. Then we got a white piece of A3 paper and put it as the background. I then got up I-stop-motion program and got started moving mine and Nicole's morphs to look like they are walking, to meet each other.

We then had to make the scene for the cafe, we did this by doing a background to make it more life like, instead of just having a white background we then got 2 tapes and a pencil sharpener and a pen pot and made 2 chairs so that they could sit on them, we then had 2 idea, to either have them having a fight or let them get married, but we thought that it would be better and more exciting if we had them fighting. After we did all the stop motion animation we then put sound in off youtube and off i movie were we moved the animation into to make it easier to put sound onto it.

History on the Morph

Morph and Chas the play-do stop motion characters that got up to mischief created by Aardman Animations, the company behind Wallace and Gromit, Morph has appeared regularly in nine different TV shows over the 35 years. These little chaps have been on sMart and had a brief appearance on ashes to ashes.

From doing this piece of work I have learnt how to use stop motion animation, using plasticine to create a 1 minute piece, which I think is rather good considering it is my first time doing this type of media. I have also learnt how to use the I-stop-motion program and learnt new buttons, and make things look more realist which I couldn't do before.

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