Thursday 4 October 2012

3D Animation- Were I got the idea from

 Cars Animation Idea:

 I got the idea of the car animation idea from the film 'cars' I was going to do an animation like this were there are cars on the track racing each other, in the film there is small part were there is a car race, which looks really good. If I was to do this for my final idea I would change the style of the car and the layout of the track, also change the voices, I would keep the mouth and the eyes the same or similar though.

Chuggington Animation Idea:      

I got the train idea from the TV program Chuggington. The program is about 3 trainee trains, who try different things. If I was to do this for my final idea I would change the setting of scene and change the trains a little and make them different colours ect.

Animal Animation Idea:

I got the animal animation idea from the children's program Bookaboo. Bookaboo is about a dog who can't go on stage without a story which is presented by a celebrity. If I was to do this for my final idea, I would ma,ke it so that instead of a celebrity reading the book I would  make it so that it's the teddy bear reading it. I would also do a voice over on the tddy bear so it looks like it is reading the book but then it goes into the book and makes it come to life.

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