Wednesday 3 October 2012

My proposal for my 3D animation

Animation Proposal

3D Animation

The medium I am going to use is photography. I am going to be doing a 3D animation using cameras and using a model teddy bear, it going to be a teddy bear reading a fantasy book called The Very windy Day. I have chosen this book because it appeals to my target audience and like to read and hear fantasy books. The teddy is going to introduce the book by telling the audience what it's about and who the author of the book is, and then read the book you will see the teddy read the book and then the story will come to life, there will be shots on the teddy bear as he finishes the page and you see him turning the page as he is turning the page you will hear a sparkling noise. When he has finished the book he will then end the show by saying thank you for listening and see you again next week giving the audience a wave.

My audience is going to be aimed at young children ages 4 – 7 years; this is because I want my audience to understand the book, and I think this age group is suitable because they are into teddies and dolls, and love people reading books to them.

My indication of the style of my animation is going to be bright and colourful because it is my target audience is for children they like bright colours and special effects to make it more entertaining for them so that they don’t get bored whilst watching the TV program. They  style of my animation is going to be light comedy with a fantasy type to it.

My 3D animation is going to be based on a medium teddy bear that is going to read The Very Windy Day to the audience, the story is about a  rabbit called Warren who works hard to make his garden perfect and beautiful but there is one thing missing he doesn't have anyone to share it with, then one day the wind comes and blows it and then different animals come and help him make his garden look perfect again. The story is  already published   It’s going to be based in a library were it is quiet and it’s the best environment to read a  children's book. 

I got my idea of the teddy bear reading from the TV program bookaboo,it's about a world famous drum playing rock puppy Bookaboo who slams his drum sticks down grumbling 'a story a day or I just can't play!', its up to celebrity fans in his audience to save the concert. Each episode a famous face goes back stage to see if they can lure Bookaboo back to his drums by sharing a picture book with him on his tour bus. Bojo restored, this puppy can play and cheered on by his celebrity guest, he wows the crowds with the best  drum solo they have ever heard. I have also been inspired by the bedtimes story on cbeebies at night time, when one of the presenters read a story to the audience just before the program switches off.

The length of my animation is going to be about 1 minute long so I will need to find a short book to read, and to try and try to go at a paste were you can understand me reading the book but me going a bit quick.

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